Morea Nahani
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It's Time to Thrive

with Wholehearted Living

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"Live Life to the Fullest"

This is my motto. Let's press into this... together. 


Thrive Project


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This project is crafted for those who desire to live whole heartedly, to give themselves to a life of meaning, and to walk in the fullness of what they were created for!


We all go through seasons of life in which we wonder... "Why am I here?" "What is this life for?" "What is my purpose and destiny?" I have asked all those questions many times, and that is why I created this project. It is meant to be a deep well of wisdom, a source of encouragement, a map for the journey. I am gathering together some of the most passionate and wholehearted people I know to give us insight into their lives. I want to learn, along with you, what creates a life of meaning and how we can foster and cultivate this. Join me in the journey and let us live out the dreams in our hearts!



The heartbeat of this project is the interviews! I am doing having one-on-one conversations with people who I believe are leading meaningful lives, and I am asking them about their journeys so that we can glean from their experiences. Check out the interviews below. There are both videos and podcast. Enjoy!